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通过在Adobe After Effects中使用调整图层, you can easily create a variety of looks for your videos and share and compare them with clients

This tutorial will demonstrate how to use adjustment layers inside of Adobe After Effects to stylize your videos. The great thing about adjustment layers is that you can quickly turn them on and off to quickly show your client a variety of visual looks for their videos.

在本视频教程中, I start with applying this technique to a clip already on my Adobe Premiere timeline. Right-click on your video and select the Replace with After Effects Composition option. 这一选择将启动Adobe After Effects. Go ahead and give your project a name and save it somewhere on your system.

一旦After Effects项目打开, you will see that your video clip from Premiere is already on the After Effects timeline. 下一个, apply adjustment layers on top of this video by navigating to Layer in the toolbar and selecting New, 然后是调整图层.

现在你已经在你的视频剪辑上添加了一个调整层. 下一个, duplicate this adjustment layer twice by navigating to Edit in the toolbar and selecting Duplicate. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Command+D on a Mac or Ctrl+D on a Windows system to duplicate the layer.

下一个, rename these layers by right-clicking on each layer and selecting Rename. This will you keep track of the different looks and options you are creating.

后重命名, go ahead and hide the top two adjustment layers by selecting the eyeball icon next to each layer. 这将打开和关闭图层的可见性. By doing this, you can see how each effect will look on top of your video clip by itself.

From here, apply different effects to each of these adjustment layers. I used some of the prebuilt animation presets inside of After Effects to save on time.

导航到效果 & Presets window and extend the drop down options for the Animation Presets folder. 下一个, scroll down to the Image Creative subfolder and drag the Colorize…blue wash effect over to your first adjustment layer. 现在你会看到这个效果在我们的视频中是怎样的. You can make some adjustments to this effect in Effects Controls window until you get the look you like. 通过点击眼球图标, you can see what the video looks like with and without the effect you just added.

下一个, hide the first adjustment layer and unhide the second adjustment layer. 再一次。, I will use the animation presets folder in the effects panel and add the Colorize Gold Dip effect. 这将给你的视频剪辑一个更温暖的外观. 现在 go ahead and change the color picker option to a red collor rather than gold. 选好颜色后, you can adjust the opacity levels and blending modes in the Effect Controls window. 现在 you can turn on and off the visibility of both adjustment layers and compare the styles.

最后,在第三个调整层添加一个外观. 使其可见,然后导航回效果 & 预设窗口,选择图像特殊效果文件夹. 从下拉选项中, we will choose Night Vision and drag that over to our third adjustment layer. 这将给我们的视频剪辑一种夜晚/军国主义的感觉.

现在, 点击几下可见性图标, you can compare the different looks and share them with your client or customer. You can take screenshots and send them off without having to render or export the entire video. 这种工作流程是节省时间的好方法, while also giving you a few different options on stylizing your videos.

This tutorial will demonstrate an advanced method of adding a slider or jib effect to timelapse footage in Adobe After Effects CC 2014.
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