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OTT改变了人们看电视的方式, 在一些地区,它有望超过广播, 电缆, 和卫星. 请看下面关于OTT技术和节目的最新消息, as well as insights and analysis into where the OTT market is headed.

保存您的免费座位流媒体连接今年八月. 现在注册!


Though Emily Nussbaum's Cue the Sun: The Invention of Reality TV reads more like a biography than like an obituary, the book lands as reality TV appears to be shrinking along with the scripted side of the business. 更多的 than one pundit has proclaimed its demise at the hands of TikTok, the "now everyone grows up on video" platform that reality TV prefigured.


很长一段时间以来, people I've interviewed have complained about how much of the video advertising budget went to social. 现在,潮流正在转变.


At 纽约流媒体, I had the opportunity to moderate a panel around stream security. It's probably the fifth or sixth time that I've done so in the last decade, but an interesting dichotomy popped up during the prep meeting with panelists, 当我们在舞台上现场表演的时候. The concept was "casual piracy" and how it differed from "professional piracy" in both intent and scale.


最近的“订阅战争”报告是由美国政府委托编写的.K.-based digital payments tech company Bango points to consumer dissatisfaction with the fractured state of subscription services in general and the increasing appeal of indirect subscription options and super-bundles of aggregated services sold through telcos like Optus in Australia. Perhaps it's another sign of less-than-inspiring times that the best thing consumers say streaming services can do for them is to stop standing out from the crowd and start disappearing into it.


There can be little doubt that live sports streaming has a lucrative and dazzling future. 但首先,它需要通过语气测试阶段.


在看过Nielsen/Gracenote的2023年游戏状态报告后, Data-Driven Per­sonalization: The Future of Streaming Content Discovery, 我发现他们引用的数字非常有创意. 当我想到他们的研究时,我没有一种温暖、模糊的感觉.


随着生成式人工智能的进步, just-intime代码转换, SSAI缝合, 以及其他流媒体视频技术栈组件, companies like Infuse Video are demonstrating that the true vision of video personalization—changing the video content itself—is finally at hand.


September 22 brought the unsurprising news that Amazon will soon join Netflix, 迪斯尼+, and Max by adding an ad-supported subscription tier for viewing its premium content in the U.S.,美国.K.美国、德国和加拿大. Prime being Prime, it's slightly inverting the approach its fellow top-tier titans have taken. Instead of offering a reduced subscription price for those budget-conscious viewers who are willing to suffer through a few ads in their premium shows, 亚马逊将广告层设为默认设置,并加收2美元.99美元到无广告级别.


Largely at issue in the first simultaneous WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes in 60+ years are legacy residual rates in expired contracts that no longer reflect either the prevalence of streaming or the profit it brings to studios.


Now that ad dollars are moving from broadcast to digital via CTV buys, maybe we need to accept that the measurement standards for digital and broadcast are always going to differ.

Max, Netflix, Off-Licensing, and The Real World

Perhaps the most surprising HBO outplacement news came just at this writing in late June, when WBD revealed that it was "in talks" to license the five-season HBO comedy series Insecure and other DFA'd HBO titles to Netflix, the first time HBO has ever let a tier-one original content competitor get its hands on HBO content. 比如卖广告,为网飞公司(Netflix)分季发行, 为HBO, cutting such a deal with a premium rival was internally frowned-upon if not strictly verboten until recently.

FAST生产? 慢慢来

FAST节目需要广告空间. 除非你有意在节目中加入这个空间, 它只是随机地分割你的内容, ruining the mood of narrative content and frustrating viewers just as the show was getting to the "good part.“现在在Roku设备上观看YouTube内容是这样的. The random "pop" to commercials in the middle of a scene is very annoying.


FAST的流行和增长向我们展示了这种观看行为, 尽管流媒体正在兴起, 并没有太大的变化. 人们想要选择,但他们希望选择能满足他们的需求. FAST doesn't scrap the broadcast experience with which so many are familiar; it is evolving it in a way that broadcast could never do to improve upon the viewer experience.


去年11月在流媒体西部, 我主持了一个关于如何保持广告工作流程流畅的小组讨论. The discussion yielded a number of valuable insights on the state of streaming advertising, including 5 key takeaways on the biggest challenges we face with advertising in the OTT world today.


How do you keep your skills relevant and useful regardless of developments in AI, 机器学习(ML), or more advanced automation in any process related to your role in streaming media? Whether you are a seasoned veteran or just starting out with your career, 我建议为来年设定五个目标.


2022年的最后一个月, my inbox filled with predictions for 2023 from industry soothsayers of every variety, a phenomenon I found so fascinating that I gathered up the most interesting and posted them. 当然, the very nature of making predictions is sharing 信息 you don't really have and guessing at a future you can't possibly see.


When it comes to knowing where to look to stay on top of the most meaningful developments in the streaming world, one simple maxim is not to always be tracking Netflix's stock price or churn rate to the exclusion of everything else, 以及流媒体, 我们试图引导你的目光到正确的地方.




瞄准流媒体观众正变得越来越困难. Today, services are looking at understanding what viewers will buy, not their personal 信息. 以下是最近发表的一些报告的摘要.


The future of streaming is about unification built on top of a single open standard of content metadata. 现在,这是只见树木不见森林的问题.