

What are some of the best ways to measure what is both effective and ineffective in OTT user experience (UX) design? Four leading industry figures discuss how their streaming companies measure what is working and what isn’t regarding the quality of their UX.

Nadine Krefetz,顾问, 现实的软件, 特约编辑,流媒体在讨论开始时,他问了产品总监艾琳·杰克逊, Vevo, Vevo如何衡量他们的用户体验质量.

“当我们加入线性规划, 我们显然大大增加了会话时间,杰克逊说. “回头客对我们来说是个大问题. And that's a matter of we're going to increase that by giving trust that they can have a stable app or they can find whatever content is needed, whether that be from the curation standpoint of our linear programming or our shelves in our browse section, 或者他们可以在搜索中找到它.”

克雷费兹接着问产品主管洛伊特, 菲罗“你呢?? 你的KPI是什么?”

“有很多我感兴趣的东西,”Lowette说. “But maybe a good one is being able to measure the stickiness on a streaming service. 每个OTT服务都有这个问题. 我们有 黄石公园 目前已经登记在册,这意味着会有很多新注册. And when the season is over, they will all be gone, or a lot of them will be gone. 所以我认为能够衡量这一点很重要. And one way we do that is [by looking at] what is the unique number of shows that a user watches? 这是衡量这种粘性的一种方法.”

索兰·斯特里克林,流媒体高级总监, Hartbeat, says that they look at UX KPIs in two different ways: the number of unique visitors and the level of 保留. “What we're thinking of from a KPI standpoint is how many unique visitors come to watch our content, 特别是如果有任何重大的变化,他说. “我们想看看有多少人进来. 当我们衡量自己的表现时, 我们关注的是参与度, 这取决于人们在我们频道上停留的时间, 要多久才能完成. 我们要关注的另一件事是留存率. If people are coming back, we're seeing a consistent high level of repeat viewers.”

Jason Williams,产品和设计高级总监 谈到了他们如何关注用户粘性的长度. “一旦我们真正开始在我们的生态系统中推出OTT和FAST, 我们看了几分钟就开始聊了,他说. “很明显, 如果你有一个衡量标准,你就更容易保护你的广告收入, 并且能够看到内容正在执行什么. 所以当我们看总回放时, 保留, 就像看了几分钟, 是我们关注的地方吗. Although I think now in some of the other services and features that we're offering, 因为现在我们已经有了观察名单, 我们有能力在其他地方发现内容, 所以我认为从指标中辨别要困难得多, 就像大家在台上做的一样.”

Williams说,要想获得完整的用户体验表现, 监测重复就诊情况至关重要. “我认为,至少如果我们看到他们每周回来两次, 每周三次, 每周五次, 我们可以开始了解我们对消费者的信任程度, that it's something they want to look at on our platform every day or twice a week. And I think that is now more of a sign for how much they're beginning to trust us. 丛 is solving a problem for them no matter what their particular problem may be.”

了解更多关于OTT用户体验设计和关键绩效指标 流媒体东部2023.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


What does it take to be a streaming app designer and director of product in 2024? 根据YouTube电视台的埃斯特·安的说法, Crunchyroll的Tom Hurlbutt, 以及菲罗的布兰登·雅普, embracing the evolution of that role means rolling with ongoing changes in the device ecosystem, 查看器行为和设备首选项, 以及电视观看体验的现代化, 正如他们在2024年流媒体连接的这段视频中讨论的那样.


A new study from Hub Entertainment 研究 reveals that viewers are still chasing shows rather than specific streaming brands, which poses challenges for programming providers looking to create a consistent brand identity across various platforms. James Lauzun of MagellanTV and Tom Hurlbutt of Crunchyroll also weighed in on this issue during a recent 流媒体连接2024 session.


随着新的用户体验的发展,CTV观看体验也在不断发展. 仍然, 许多专家和用户都认为,这种体验基本上是坏的, 太多的选择和太少的个性化是用户的头号抱怨, 离它该去的地方还远着呢. According to Google TV Senior Director of Engineering Shobana Radhakrishnan in her 流媒体 Connect Keynote, the critical challenge is understanding what viewers want and letting that drive other decisions.

CTV oem厂商如何影响快速成功

70%的快速频道观看发生在联网电视上, and the vast array of FAST channels that quietly insinuate themselves into viewers' living rooms as soon as they plug in their Samsung and LG CTV sets are the most accessible and easily tracked FAST viewing experiences imaginable, as they require no additional app installations to gain front-and-center visibility. How critical is the preeminence of specific CTV OEM brands in the success of FAST channels? Alan Wolk of TVREV and Chris Pfaff of Chris Pfaff Tech Media discuss the market dynamics of FAST and the CTV ecosystem in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.


关于OTT消费者的偏好和趋势,这些数据告诉了我们什么, 以及平台提供商如何解读这一趋势,以提高用户覆盖面并减少流失? ESHAP的埃文·夏皮罗报道, Hub Entertainment 研究的Jon Giegengack说, and Erickson Strategy's Paul Erickson discuss in this clip from their panel at 流媒体 Connect 2023.


对于OTT媒体和娱乐消费者来说,多少选择才是太多选择? Is content and channel overwhelm ruining the user experiences for OTT audiences who just want to find something to watch? 更多的是捆绑解决方案? Find out what Media Cartographer Evan Shapiro and Applicaster Co-founder Jonathan Laor have to say on the subject in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.


What are the best ways to improve the OTT user experience, especially for FAST platforms? Four industry experts weigh in on specific areas that could use improvement and streamlining in order to improve the overall UX for OTT subscribers with both targeted advertising and programming.


SeaChange Lead Solutions Architect explains how dynamic server-side ad insertion (SSAI) improves the streaming user experience by enabling ads to be served with the same QoS as content in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2021.

跨平台OTT UX设计的最佳实践

UI Centric's Sam Drury discusses the need for cross-platform UX design and the value of assigning a design gatekeeper to make sure platform conventions are followed in this clip from 流媒体 West 2019.

性能驱动的OTT UX设计

UI Centric's Sam Drury underscores the importance of keeping performance in mind at all stages of OTT UX development in this clip from 流媒体 West 2019.


UI Centric Head of User Experience Sam Drury discusses how to design your OTT app to facilitate svod subscription growth in this clip from his presentation at 流媒体 West. 更多信息请访问gzshrc.chinafumeilai.net.
