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We all have been accustomed to having virtual events or meetings live streamed since the early days of COVID, but what have you tried to do recently with your organization's in-person live events now? Even though it seems like COVID barricades might not be that far behind us (and not behind some at all), I have seen far too many events—big and small—not continuing the trend to live stream to online audiences. 

说实话, the impetus for this particular column is due indirectly to my daughter’s passion for the work done by 野生动物的勇士这是一家由史蒂夫·欧文和特里·欧文创办的非营利组织. She wanted to help me live stream a benefit gala they are running this year, and I sent a message to the org’s CMO asking if I could volunteer my live streaming 生产 services to the event, 他拒绝了,说他没有计划直播这次活动. 我摸不着头脑,想知道为什么不可以? I’ve donated or highly discounted my services to several non-profits over the years and saw tremendous benefits from doing so for the org. 


Let’s review some common reasons I’ve heard over the years to forego the effort of live-streaming an event.

  • 朝生暮死: 简而言之, stakeholders might believe that the content of the event doesn’t have the potential for much of a life span online. 对于某些类型的内容,这种信念可能是正确的, 比如与员工进行简短的内部简报, 但即便如此, there’s likely some value to be had in streaming–and archiving–the content.
  • 规划: Lining up a schedule for live streaming and archive involves pre-生产, 生产, 后期制作的努力. Some events just don’t have the lead time to get everything lined up to make a live stream and archive happen.
  • 收视率: The live stream isn’t worth the effort if only a handful of viewers join the stream. 通常, my clients tend to overestimate how many people will show up to watch a live stream, and past disappointments with this metric will de-incentivize future efforts to stream and archive.
  • 百家乐软件: You need people with know-how and 生产 gear to pull off a successful live stream and archive. Many orgs mistakenly believe that they can’t possibly train internal staff to handle the responsibilities of live streaming, not realizing that it’s easier than ever to coordinate the effort without feeling overwhelmed. 
  • 成本: In line with the last reason, resources require a budget to allocate to them. Stakeholders might believe it would just be too expensive to live stream and archive.


Ok, 也许最后一部分的观点引起了你的共鸣, either as a stakeholder yourself or as someone attempting to get traction within your org to make live streams happen. 如果你在这个位置, here are some quick takeaways that you can use in your first meeting with your team to get live streams on the calendar:

  • 建立你的品牌: 简单地说,你的组织无法承受不进行事件流处理的后果. COVID has especially driven this point home with brand recognition. Even if live stream viewership numbers are low initially or sporadically, people now have the expectation that if they can’t be at an event in-person, 他们可以稍后再看, 提高你所传递内容的知名度. 
  • 为你的档案增加价值: 历史记录事项, and organizations that maintain an online archive establish a presence online that their competitors may not have. Metrics from nearly every live event I’ve streamed for clients has much more viewership after the event is over than there was during the actual event. 
  • 吸引你的听众: The audience that matters will most likely be watching your live stream. 这些人是你的部落,你忠实的追随者. 即使他们最初的数量很少, they will likely be the ones who share your content with others and help build momentum toward a solid audience for future events.
  • 无硬件/软件/服务进入壁垒: Costs are coming down for nearly all hardware related to streaming. Smartphones with an adequate external mic might be all you need to get started, and with modest budgets you can acquire better gear for better 生产 quality. 在最近的一个直播活动上, we used $400 SRT HEVC encoders to live stream 4K content to the online audience. I was completely blown away by the options in the encoder and the UI/UX of the web-based controls. 
  • 访问: 不是每个人都能来现场观看的, 要么是因为日程冲突, 旅行费用, 空间限制,甚至卫生条例. Having your content available in the live stream will be appreciated by the viewers that show up.
  • 额外收入来源: While many live streams are free to viewers on social media outlets, you can always look to paywalls to provide some if not all of the funding to put together the resources required for the live event. COVID为市场提供了许多选择.

I’m usually frustrated if I can’t access or review content from live events by orgs I follow after the fact, 尤其是当我根本不知道这件事发生的时候. While I don’t expect I’ll be getting a call from the 野生动物的勇士 anytime soon, I do hope to see more and more organizations live stream their events in the months and years to come. 

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Where and how does "real time" fit into your workflows in this "COVID and beyond" era? Similar to global wars accelerating advan­ces in medicine such as plastic surgery, COVID促使我们所有在流媒体工作的人重新思考, 创新, 优化, 重建我们日常职责的许多组成部分. 


Lessons learned during the pandemic can provide guidance for how live producers can continue to not just survive but thrive.